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+++ ca1973.g. Grundig Stenorette 2000

ca1973.o.Grundig Stenorette 2000.jpg + 1973.e.   Dictaphone 10Thumbnails++  1969.m. National RQ-210 S+ 1973.e.   Dictaphone 10Thumbnails++  1969.m. National RQ-210 S+ 1973.e.   Dictaphone 10Thumbnails++  1969.m. National RQ-210 S+ 1973.e.   Dictaphone 10Thumbnails++  1969.m. National RQ-210 S+ 1973.e.   Dictaphone 10Thumbnails++  1969.m. National RQ-210 S+ 1973.e.   Dictaphone 10Thumbnails++  1969.m. National RQ-210 S

- primul mini-reportofon cu noua caseta Steno, 30 min (vezi alaturi); microfon incorporat; functional
- first pocket voice recorder with the new Steno cassette, max. 30 minutes; works ok.

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