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+++ 1957.a.c. caseta/cassette Dictaphone Dictet - the 3-rd world's tape cassette; a 3-a caseta cu banda magnetica
![- caseta cu banda magnetica folosita la aparatul Dictaphone Dictet (vezi alaturat); 149 x 79 x 11 mm, 6,3 cm/sec; durata 2 x 30 min; carcasa metalica; conceptia sa a prefigurat viitoarea forma clasica a casetei audio ''compact cassette'' - Philips 1963; pentru comparatie cu alte 49 tipuri de casete -vezi tabelul din sectiunea ''despre casetofon''.
- magnetic tape cassette used by Dictaphone Dictet (see attached) ; its conception will be the base/model for next models of audio cassettes; see above dims., time & speed or see comparison with other 49 types of audio cassetes in the table from ''about cassette-recorder'' section here attached; aluminium box & reels. 1957.a.c. caseta Dictaphone Dictet.jpg](_data/i/upload/2011/04/13/20110413213538-5ef3e639-me.jpg)
- caseta cu banda magnetica folosita la aparatul Dictaphone Dictet (vezi alaturat); 149 x 79 x 11 mm, 6,3 cm/sec; durata 2 x 30 min; carcasa metalica; conceptia sa a prefigurat viitoarea forma clasica a casetei audio ''compact cassette'' - Philips 1963; pentru comparatie cu alte 49 tipuri de casete -vezi tabelul din sectiunea ''despre casetofon''.
- magnetic tape cassette used by Dictaphone Dictet (see attached) ; its conception will be the base/model for next models of audio cassettes; see above dims., time & speed or see comparison with other 49 types of audio cassetes in the table from ''about cassette-recorder'' section here attached; aluminium box & reels.
- Author
- Dictaphone (USA)
- Created on
- Sunday 31 December 1899
- Rating score
- no rate