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+ ca1969.i. General Electric M-8430

ca1969.h. General Electric M-8430.jpg +  1969.h.  Sanyo M-48MThumbnails+ 1967(?).n.  Mercury 20-1002+  1969.h.  Sanyo M-48MThumbnails+ 1967(?).n.  Mercury 20-1002+  1969.h.  Sanyo M-48MThumbnails+ 1967(?).n.  Mercury 20-1002+  1969.h.  Sanyo M-48MThumbnails+ 1967(?).n.  Mercury 20-1002+  1969.h.  Sanyo M-48MThumbnails+ 1967(?).n.  Mercury 20-1002+  1969.h.  Sanyo M-48MThumbnails+ 1967(?).n.  Mercury 20-1002

- casetofon portabil; exemplu de casetofon cu mecanica inspirată din Philips EL3300; functional.
- portable cassette-recorder; USA; sample of cassette-recorder having mechanics inspired from Philips EL3300; works ok.

General Electric Co. -USA
Rating score
1.58 (1 rate)