
Reportofon de buzunar (145 x 76 x 28 mm) ce foloseste caseta Memocord, in 3 variante de design si de durata. Tehnica inalta pt anul lansarii : motor foarte mic, oprire comandata optoelectronic; 7 trz, difuzor si microfon incorporate sau micr. si casti externe. Preluat ulterior (si) de firma v-germana Assmann.Unii colectionari straini spun ca a fost si in dotarea STASI.
Pocket voice recorder using Memocord cassette (see attached). High technique for issuing date - very small motor, optoelectronic stop, 7 transistors, built-in small speaker and mike and headphones. Made then also in W-Germany by Assmann. Some german collectors say it was also used by STASI.
- Created on
- Wednesday 20 September 2023
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