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Cassette recorder museum

DSCN8867 - sony tcm-4040.JPG +  1990.c. Sony CFM-2500 My First SonyThumbnails++  1990(?).f. Marantz PMD222 - portable profi+  1990.c. Sony CFM-2500 My First SonyThumbnails++  1990(?).f. Marantz PMD222 - portable profi+  1990.c. Sony CFM-2500 My First SonyThumbnails++  1990(?).f. Marantz PMD222 - portable profi+  1990.c. Sony CFM-2500 My First SonyThumbnails++  1990(?).f. Marantz PMD222 - portable profi

alt exemplu de casetofon pt copii, avand ritmuri/sunete preinregistrate, actionate de clapele galbene.

another example of cass-recorder for children, having pre-recorded rhythms, actioned by yellow keyboard.