++ 1966. g. Lear-Jet AS-830H - car radio-cartridge player

probabil primul radio-cas auto cu radio FM in adaptor tip caseta 8-track , realizat de firma inventatorului casetei mentionate - Bill Lear, implicit unul din primele din lume cu aceasta facilitate ; tranzistorizat, cu circuit imprimat. model pt viitoarele Legenda-401 (sovietic) si Toshiba KT-RS-1 (ambele aici, dar cu casete clasice)
Here is probably the 1st radio-cartridge player for cars, w. FM radio mounted into an adapator like an 8-track cartridge, made by the company of 8-track cart inventor, Bill Lear, so one of the world 1st having this facility; transistorized, w. cardboard circuit. Was a model for later similar models, as soviet Legenda-401 (1974-5) and Toshiba KT-RS-1 (but using compact-cassettes; see attached)
- Author
- Lear_Jet Industries, USA
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