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+++ 1954.a. Mohawk Repeater MR/JR - first USA endless cartridge message player/repeater

DSCN6206.JPG ++  1967.v.  Aiwa TP-1104Thumbnails+++  1954.a.c. Mohawk Message Repeater Cartridge - 1st USA endless cartridge++  1967.v.  Aiwa TP-1104Thumbnails+++  1954.a.c. Mohawk Message Repeater Cartridge - 1st USA endless cartridge++  1967.v.  Aiwa TP-1104Thumbnails+++  1954.a.c. Mohawk Message Repeater Cartridge - 1st USA endless cartridge++  1967.v.  Aiwa TP-1104Thumbnails+++  1954.a.c. Mohawk Message Repeater Cartridge - 1st USA endless cartridge

dupa cercetarile mele este primul casetofon american cu caseta fara sfarsit (idee germana -v. caseta Tefi Schallband, 1951); player pentru repetarea mesajelor in spatii comune. Foloseste caseta Mohawk Message Repeater Cartridge, de cca 3' (200 ") -v. alaturat.
Foarte rar.

according to my research, it is the first American tape recorder with an endless cassette (German idea - see the Tefi Schallband cassette, 1951); player for repeating messages in common spaces. Uses the Mohawk Message Repeater Cartridge, about 3' (200") - see attached.
Very rare.

Mohawk Business Machines, USA
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