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+++ 1954.a.c. Mohawk Message Repeater Cartridge - 1st USA endless cartridge

DSCN6209.JPG +++ 1971.g.c.  Alpha One Thumbnails+++ 1956.b. Nora T5 - first endless cassette with magnetic tape, also for pre-recorded music+++ 1971.g.c.  Alpha One Thumbnails+++ 1956.b. Nora T5 - first endless cassette with magnetic tape, also for pre-recorded music+++ 1971.g.c.  Alpha One Thumbnails+++ 1956.b. Nora T5 - first endless cassette with magnetic tape, also for pre-recorded music+++ 1971.g.c.  Alpha One Thumbnails+++ 1956.b. Nora T5 - first endless cassette with magnetic tape, also for pre-recorded music

dupa cercetarile mele este prima caseta (cartridge in SUA) fara sfarsit americana. (idee germana -v. caseta Tefi Schallband, 1951); folosita pentru repetarea mesajelor in spatii comune, avand durata de 200 secunde.
Pentru comparatie cu alte peste 50 tipusi de casete, v. tabel in sectiunea "despre casetofon". Foarte rara.

according to my research, it is the first American endless cartridge/cassette (German idea - see the Tefi Schallband cassette, 1951); used w. player Mohawk Repeater MR/JR (see att.) for repeating messages in common spaces. Duration: 3' (200") .
For comparison with more than 50 other types of cassettes, see the table in the "about cassette player" section. Very rare.

Mohawk Business Machines, US
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