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++ 1969.m. National RQ-210 S

1970.k. National RQ-210 S.JPG +++  ca1973.g.  Grundig Stenorette 2000Thumbnails 1996.b. Sony M-630V+++  ca1973.g.  Grundig Stenorette 2000Thumbnails 1996.b. Sony M-630V+++  ca1973.g.  Grundig Stenorette 2000Thumbnails 1996.b. Sony M-630V+++  ca1973.g.  Grundig Stenorette 2000Thumbnails 1996.b. Sony M-630V

- primul reportofon de buzunar al firmei ; circuite integrate; ''artificii'' tehnice datorate spatiului redus; functional
- first pocket voice-recorder of this brand; IC; few technical innovations caused by reduced space - small motor, friction drive between motor and balance-wheel; works ok.

Matsushita Electric Co.
Rating score
3.08 (1 rate)