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+++ 1987.g.c. Tesla Transcriber

DSCN9684.JPG +++ 1956.b. Nora T5 - first endless cassette with magnetic tape, also for pre-recorded musicThumbnails+++ 1984.j. Nagra JBR cassette +++ 1956.b. Nora T5 - first endless cassette with magnetic tape, also for pre-recorded musicThumbnails+++ 1984.j. Nagra JBR cassette +++ 1956.b. Nora T5 - first endless cassette with magnetic tape, also for pre-recorded musicThumbnails+++ 1984.j. Nagra JBR cassette +++ 1956.b. Nora T5 - first endless cassette with magnetic tape, also for pre-recorded musicThumbnails+++ 1984.j. Nagra JBR cassette

Era o caseta folosita la playerul cehesc Transcriber U-120 ( v alaturat) si recorder-ul E-120, pt autoritatile din Tratatul de la Varsovia. Dimensiuni: 60 x 43 x 7 mm ; viteza: cca 2,3 cm/s ; durata; cca 55 min.

This was a cassette used by Czech player Transcriber U-120 (see attached) and pocket recorder Mini-Corder E-120, for the authorities of Warsaw Treaty. Dimensions: 60 x 43 x 7 mm ; speed : cca 2,3 cm/s ; timing: cca 55 min.