Dupa design, constructie si cf. unui site specializat, avem aici probabil singurul model de cas -player- facut in Est pt autoritatile statelor din fostul Tratat de la Varsovia (fabricat in Cehoslovacia). Setul cuprinde si un recorder, mai redus ca dimensiuni. Tranzistorizat, mecanica ingrijita si fiabila (motor elvetian de 3 cm lungime). Foloseste o caseta dedicata, mai mica decat cea clasica, cu acelasi tip de banda si design putin schimbat. Foarte rar. Functional.
As design, construction and according to a specialized site, here is perhaps the only one cassette player made in the Eastern Europe for the state authorities from the former Warsaw Pact (manufactured in Czechoslovakia). The set also includes a recorder, smaller size. Transistorized, neat and reliable mechanics (3 cm long Swiss motor). Use a smaller cassette than the classic one, with the same type of tape and slightly changed design. Rarely. working shape..
- Created on
- Friday 18 February 2022
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