Este prima “combină” (cum se spunea inainte) radio - pickup - cas ce a utilizat caseta clasică, inventată de Philips. Constructiv este un aparat foarte bun pentru finele anilor 60: poate folosi 4 boxe stereo, nivel reglabil al înregistrării pe cas, pickup de calitate Garrard (made in UK) cu amortizoare şi schimbător de discuri, cas simplu, solid si exact, FM selectiv 88-108 Mhz - totul bazat pe electronica made in Japan, funcţională integral fără reparaţii dupa 52 de ani. Şasiul cas-ului e datat decembrie 1967, dar aparatul apare prezentat ca noutate într-un catalog din 1968.
The first 3 in 1 music center w. radio – record player – cassette rec. that used the classic cassette, invented by Philips. A very good device for the late 60's: it can use 4 stereo speakers, adjustable level of recording on the casette, Garrard quality record player (made in UK) with shock absorbers and disc changer, simple, solid and accurate cass. recorder, selective FM 88 -108 Mhz - all based on electronics made in Japan, fully functional without repairs after 52 years. The chassis of the cass. recorder is dated December 1967, but the device is presented as a novelty in a earlier 1968 catalog.
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- world 1-st 3 in 1 music center w. compact-cassette
- Created on
- Saturday 15 August 2020
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