Loewe Optaphon este prima “caseta” cu banda magnetică; intr-o reclama a aparatului sau (vezi foto alaturata) a fost utilizat pentru prima data cuvantul “kassette”; de fapt, e prima (si ultima) variantă/idee de inchidere a unor role de magnetofon clasic într-o cutie detașabilă; desi are aspect de caseta, totusi nu îndeplinește toate caracteristicile/obiectivele prin care caseta audio s-a impus în fata rolelor de magnetofon, intrucat in perioada respectiva, nu a fost comercializata in variante “blanc” sau preînregistrată, fiecare aparat avand caseta lui. Are o singura fata cu 2 piste, in total 2 x 30 min; dimensiuni: 42 x 18,8 x 2,4 cm, viteza benzii e 19 cm/sec; alăturat este prezentat aparatul unde a fost folosită prima data. Pentru comparatie cu alte 49 tipuri de casete audio, vezi tabelul din sectiunea “despre casetofon” .
is the first "cassette" with magnetic tape; In a commercial advert of his player has appeared the word "kassette" for the first time; in fact, it is the first (and last) variant / idea of closing some classic tape reels in a removable box made by bakelite; Although it has the appearance of a cassette, it still does not has all the features by which the audio cassette was imposed by comparison with open reel-to-reel of the tape recorders, because during that period, it was not sold in "blank" or pre-recorded versions, each device having its own cassette. It has a single side with 2 tracks, in total 2 x 30 min; dimensions: 42 x 18.8 x 2.4 cm, speed 19 cm / sec; next to it is presented the device where it was first used. For comparison with other 49 types of audio cassettes, see the table in the "about cassette" section.
- Author
- Loewe
- Created on
- Thursday 5 March 2020
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