AUR - asa poate supranumi un colectionar acest prim model al casetei-compact (TM) Philips = EL1903, inventata de ing. Lodewijk (Lou) F. Ottens (vezi poza in albumul
alaturat – VIP si bibliografie) si prezentata odata cu aparatul EL3300 (vezi alaturat) la targul international de radio IFA - Berlin, august - sept. 1963. E AUR pt ca e foarte rara (s-a fabricat doar intre 1963-1965) si are unele deosebiri fata de modelele urmatoare: nu are sigurante pt evitarea stergerii intamplatoare, cutia/ambalaj (din pacate lipseste) era din carton (nu din plastic), folia interioara anti-frecare era din Al, nu are marcaj tiparit privind durata. Initial, banda era de fabricata de BASF, tip PES-18; are latimea de 3,81 mm si o lungime de cca 86 m (pt 60 min). Viteza benzii = 4,75 cm/s, dimensiuni: 103 x 64 x 11,5 mm; durata: 2 piste x 15/30/45/60 min. In 1971, firma TDK lanseaza caseta cu banda FeCr.
Pt. comparatie cu alte 50 tipuri de casete audio - vezi tabelul din sectiunea ''despre casetofon'' .
GOLD - this can be (for a collector) the nickname of first type (EL1903) of compact-cassette (TM) made by Philips, invented by eng. Lodewijk (Lou) F. Ottens (see picture in my attch. album - VIP & bibliography) and presented with the EL3300 recorder (see attached) at the international radio fair IFA - Berlin, August - Sept. 1963. It is GOLD because it is very rare (manufactured only between 1963-1965) and had some differences comparing with the following models: it has no cutouts to avoid accidental deletion, the inner anti-rubbing foil was made of Al, the box/package (unfortunately missing) it was made of cardboard (not plastic), it has no printed mark on the duration. Initially, it was loaded with BASF PES-18 tape, length ca. 86m (for 60 min); tape speed: 4,75 cm/sec (rare for profi: 9 cm/sec) dimensions: 103 x 64 x 11,5 mm; time: 2 sides x 15/30/45/60 min. In 1971, TDK launched FeCr tape.
For comparison with other 50 types of audio cassettes - see the table in the section "" about cassette player ".
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