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+++ 1971.e.c. Hipac - japanese endless cassette/cartridge inspired from Playtape

560 cu cutie.JPG Thumbnails+++ 1971.e. Pioneer M-7S HipacThumbnails+++ 1971.e. Pioneer M-7S HipacThumbnails+++ 1971.e. Pioneer M-7S HipacThumbnails+++ 1971.e. Pioneer M-7S Hipac

- este un model foarte rar (ca si Vity- vezi alaturat) de caseta audio fara sfarsit , intrucat - cf. spuselor vanzatorului japonez - a fost dezvoltata de firma Pioneer mai ales pentru piata locala, fiind inspirata/aproape identica cu caseta americana Playtape; diferentele sunt: rola presoare aici are un diametru cu cca. 2 mm mai mare - deci viteza scade de la 9 la 4,7 cm/sec si creste durata, banda e mai lata cu cca. 3/10 mm, iar prinderea casetei cu mana se face printr-un decupaj al carcasei;
nu poate fi ascultata pe aparatele Sears Playtape (vezi alaturat); comparatie cu alte 43 casete - vezi tabel din sectiunea ''despre casetofon''.

- very rare model of endless audio cassette, made by Japanese producer Pioneer, especially for local market, inspired from American cart Playtape; the differences face Playtape are: 2mm more of pinch roll's diameter - so the tape speed is reduced from 9 to 4.7 cm/sec and the time rises, 3/10 mm more for the width of the tape, and the area for removing it from the device is different; for this reasons, even dimensions are similar, it cannot be played on Sears Playtape ; for comparison with another 43 types of audio cassettes, please see the table here in the section ''about cassette-recorder''. section

Pioneer (Japan)
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