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+ 1969.d. Ampex Micro 5 - first cassette deck of this producer

AmpexMicro5.JPG ++ 1962(?).k. Reditune TP60Thumbnails++ 1970.k.  Grundig CN 222 - first deck & HIFI (?) of this producer++ 1962(?).k. Reditune TP60Thumbnails++ 1970.k.  Grundig CN 222 - first deck & HIFI (?) of this producer++ 1962(?).k. Reditune TP60Thumbnails++ 1970.k.  Grundig CN 222 - first deck & HIFI (?) of this producer++ 1962(?).k. Reditune TP60Thumbnails++ 1970.k.  Grundig CN 222 - first deck & HIFI (?) of this producer++ 1962(?).k. Reditune TP60Thumbnails++ 1970.k.  Grundig CN 222 - first deck & HIFI (?) of this producer

Este de fapt un Philips N2500 (primul deck din lume - vezi atasat) facut pentru firma Ampex (SUA), urmare a colaborarii dintre cele doua firme. Deosebirea intre ele consta doar in rama de lemn mai groasa, pozitionarea butonului principal si becul indicator de functionare - la Ampex.

Here is in fact a Philips N2500 (first deck in the world - see attached) made in Netherland (by Philips) for Ampex, as result of their collaboration in the audio-video area.
There are only two differences, consisting in thicker wood frame, positioning of the main button and the working indicator lamp - at Ampex.

Ampex (USA)
Rating score
3.08 (1 rate)