+++ 1955.a. Mohawk Midgetape BR-1 - world's 1st pocket cass. recorder
- "primul casetofon de buzunar" - asa scrie pe cutia lui; un aparat cu care americanii se pot mandri !! el a deschis drumul reducerii dimensiunilor (215 x 95 x 45 mm) casetofoanelor, cel mai cunoscut urmas al sau - Philips EL3300, lansat 7 ani mai tarziu - fiind cam la fel de mare (190 x 110 x 55 mm); sunt de remarcat: modul de transmitere a miscarii printr-un arc (in locul clasicei curele de cauciuc, aparute mai tarziu), modul de mentinere a vitezei constante printr-o infasurare suplimentara a arcului pe axul volantului, ambreiajul centrifugal al motorului si dimensiunile 'normale ' ale acestuia; electronica cu 3 lampi miniatura: CK549DX x 2, CK542DX.
defect; cu manual de reparatie.
- a historical device with which the americans could be proud: "the world's first battery operated pocket tape recorder" ; remarks: small dimensions (215 x 95 x 45 mm = similar as 7 years later Philips EL3300); it uses a very thin and long spring as movement driving, instead a rubber belt; an additional coil of the spring onto the fly-wheel in order to maintain the right speed; centrifugal clutch of the motor and its small dimensions; electronics uses 3 miniature valves: CK549DX x 2, CK542DX.
not working; w. service manual.
- Author
- Business Machines Corp. (NY, USA)
- Created on
- Monday 21 September 2015
- Rating score
- no rate