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++ 1970.k. Grundig CN 222 - first deck & HIFI (?) of this producer

grundig CN 222 - primul deck si primul hifi al firmei - an 1970 - apare si pe siteul lor.JPG + 1969.d.  Ampex Micro 5 - first cassette deck of this producer Thumbnails+  1976.h.   Philips N2520+ 1969.d.  Ampex Micro 5 - first cassette deck of this producer Thumbnails+  1976.h.   Philips N2520+ 1969.d.  Ampex Micro 5 - first cassette deck of this producer Thumbnails+  1976.h.   Philips N2520+ 1969.d.  Ampex Micro 5 - first cassette deck of this producer Thumbnails+  1976.h.   Philips N2520+ 1969.d.  Ampex Micro 5 - first cassette deck of this producer Thumbnails+  1976.h.   Philips N2520+ 1969.d.  Ampex Micro 5 - first cassette deck of this producer Thumbnails+  1976.h.   Philips N2520+ 1969.d.  Ampex Micro 5 - first cassette deck of this producer Thumbnails+  1976.h.   Philips N2520

- este primul deck si primul cas HIFI(?) al celui mai mare producator german si unul din cei mai importanti din lume;
de asemenea, este primul deck acestui producator care foloseste caseta compacta (tip Philips); prin casetofoanele tip C200, C201 (1967, 1968) si prin acesta, putem spune ca Grundig s-a recunoscut ''invins'' de Philips in lupta acerba de la finele anilor '60 pt cucerirea pietei audio, pe care producatorul olandez a castigat-o cu aportul - indelung si dur negociat- harnicilor producatori japonezi. (trebuie mentionat ca numai aici : scrie ca e HIFI, nicaieri altundeva) functional.

- first deck and first HIFI (?) cassette recorder of the greatest german audio-tv producer; also, is the first deck of this producer using the classic cassette (type made by Philips), renouncing to its own invention, the DCI cassette (see attached, period 1961-1965). Must mention that only here: it is written it is HIFI, nowhere else. Plays ok.

Grundig, West-Germany
Rating score
2.58 (1 rate)