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+++ 1964.e.c. 3M/Scotch Cantata 700 = greatest audio cassette

scotch cantata 700 tip 94 AG - player cu cea mai mare caseta -pz2.jpg +++ 1964.e. Scotch Wollensack 94-AG - world's biggest cartridge player Thumbnails+++ 1962-3.f.c. 3M(Scotch)  type 270+++ 1964.e. Scotch Wollensack 94-AG - world's biggest cartridge player Thumbnails+++ 1962-3.f.c. 3M(Scotch)  type 270+++ 1964.e. Scotch Wollensack 94-AG - world's biggest cartridge player Thumbnails+++ 1962-3.f.c. 3M(Scotch)  type 270+++ 1964.e. Scotch Wollensack 94-AG - world's biggest cartridge player Thumbnails+++ 1962-3.f.c. 3M(Scotch)  type 270+++ 1964.e. Scotch Wollensack 94-AG - world's biggest cartridge player Thumbnails+++ 1962-3.f.c. 3M(Scotch)  type 270+++ 1964.e. Scotch Wollensack 94-AG - world's biggest cartridge player Thumbnails+++ 1962-3.f.c. 3M(Scotch)  type 270+++ 1964.e. Scotch Wollensack 94-AG - world's biggest cartridge player Thumbnails+++ 1962-3.f.c. 3M(Scotch)  type 270

- este cea mai mare (atat ca durata inregistrata cat si ca dimensiuni) caseta audio realizata vreodata;
compusa din 2 role de magnetofon suprapuse inchise permanent intr-o cutie din PCV, cu dimensiuni de 23.5 x 24 x 4 cm, poate permite inregistrarea a cca. 300 de melodii ; asa dupa cum arata si denumirea, a fost conceputa pentru realizarea ambiantei muzicale discrete in spatii largi : expozitii tip targuri, aeroporturi, dar si in biserici (cf. inregistrarilor ); in timpul redarii, rolele se rotesc in sensuri opuse; pt. comparatie cu alte 49 tipuri de casete, vezi tabelul din sectiunea ''despere casetofon'' .

- greatest audio cassette/cartridge ever made ;
made by 2 overlapped tape reels closed into a PVC box having 25 x 25 cm; can host cca.300 songs, used - as shows its name - as background music ambiance in open spaces as exhibitions/fairs, airports and also churches. Works on 3M(Scotch) type AG94 or BG player; during playing, reels are rotating in opposite senses.
for to compare w. other 49 cassettes types, please see the table presented in the section ''about cassette-recorder''. temporary photo.

3M-Scotch (Minnesota Mining & Mft. Co)
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