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+++ 1982.e. Olympus L400 - smallest (micro)cassette recorder ever

Olympus L400 - smallest in the world-1982 !!.JPG +++ 1944(?).a.c.  Cosmos Industries MX-303A/ANQ-1 - wire cartThumbnails+ 1980.j.  Superscope CD-330+++ 1944(?).a.c.  Cosmos Industries MX-303A/ANQ-1 - wire cartThumbnails+ 1980.j.  Superscope CD-330+++ 1944(?).a.c.  Cosmos Industries MX-303A/ANQ-1 - wire cartThumbnails+ 1980.j.  Superscope CD-330+++ 1944(?).a.c.  Cosmos Industries MX-303A/ANQ-1 - wire cartThumbnails+ 1980.j.  Superscope CD-330

- este cel mai mic casetofon de serie din lume, desi nu foloseste cea mai mica caseta - are perimetrul de 24 cm (2x 5 + 2x7 cm) , mai putin cu cca 40% comparativ cu Sony NT-1 sau Dictaphone Exec 4250, aparute ulterior, cu cele mai mici casete (vezi colectia); foloseste microcaseta, inventata de acelasi constructor (1969,vezi alaturat); telecomanda sau microfon auxiliar extern optionale (lipsa aici); 2 viteze: 2,4 si 1,2 cm/sec.; counter digital.

- smallest series cassette voice recorder ever made (its perimeter is 24 cm (2x 5 + 2x7 cm), ca. 40% smaller than Sony NT-1 or Dictaphone Exec 4250 issued after it , using smallest cassettes ( see attatched) ; it uses microcassette (TM, see attached, 1969), w. 2 speed: 1.2 , 2.4 cm/sec ; optional remote and external microphone (missing); digital counter.
works ok.

Olympus Optical Co, Ltd.- Japan
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