
- caseta RCA cu 4 piste stereo (= 8 piste), 5-20 min. fără sfârşit; viteza 9,5 cm/sec, 134 x 100 x 21 mm; inventata de Bill Lear la finele anilor '50, dar produsa pe scara larga de firma RCA cativa ani mai tarziu; pt. comparatie cu alte 49 tipuri de casete audio - vezi tabelul din sectiunea ''despre casetofon'' .
- 8-track (4-track stereo)endless cartridge invented by Bill Lear and developped/large marketed by RCA, time: 4 tracks x 5-20' , speed: 9,5cm/sec; pinch-roll inserted; made in USA; comparison with other 49 types of audio cassettes - in the table from ''about cassette-recorder'' section.
- Author
- Created on
- Sunday 31 December 1899
- Rating score
- no rate