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+ 1980.j. Superscope CD-330

DSCN0102 frontal.JPG +++ 1955.a.  Mohawk Midgetape BR-1 - world's 1st pocket cass. recorderThumbnails++  1972.h,c. National SG-100 = world's first & smallest portable 3 in 1 system+++ 1955.a.  Mohawk Midgetape BR-1 - world's 1st pocket cass. recorderThumbnails++  1972.h,c. National SG-100 = world's first & smallest portable 3 in 1 system+++ 1955.a.  Mohawk Midgetape BR-1 - world's 1st pocket cass. recorderThumbnails++  1972.h,c. National SG-100 = world's first & smallest portable 3 in 1 system+++ 1955.a.  Mohawk Midgetape BR-1 - world's 1st pocket cass. recorderThumbnails++  1972.h,c. National SG-100 = world's first & smallest portable 3 in 1 system

- exemplu de casetofon (reportofon) (semi)profesional, cu dotari superioare, adecvate scopului sau: 3 capete, filtru dublu Dolby;autoreverse, sunet clar la volum mare.

functional; curea slabita.

- professional 3-head voice recorder, made by Superscope = the main Sony distributor for USA; advanced technique: 3 long-life heads, 2 Dolby filters, autoreverse, good sound at high volume.

works, but the belt is used.

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