- prima caseta audio din lume, in varianta a 3-a, care nu se deosebeste esential de prima; suportul sonor este un fir metalic, intrucat banda magnetica abia aparuse si nu avea calitatile necesare unei folosiri indelungate; folosita la aparatul de uz civil Textophon realizat in 1936 de firmele germane C.Lorenz AG si Glokowsky AG, cu ocazia Jocurilor Olimpice de la Berlin ; constructie metalica, dimensiuni: 385 x 125 x 45 mm; greutate cca. 0,8 kg; comparatie cu alte 49 casete audio -in tabelul din sectiunea ''despre casetofon''. Principial, constructia sa a prefigurat modelul casetei clasice Philips din 1963.
- the 3-rd variant of the world's first audio cartridge/cassette ; made by german firms C.Lorenz AG and Glokowsky AG for domestic wire recorder model ''Textophon'', which first model was launched with the occasion of 1936' Berlin Olympic Games ; it uses steel wire wrapped on 2 Aluminium spools; all metal box, dims: 385 x 125 x 45 mm; weight: ca. 0,8 kg; see comparisons with other 49 types of audio cassetes in the table from ''about cassette-recorder'' section.
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- C.Lorenz AG - Berlin, Tempelhof
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