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+++ 1965.a. Grundig C100 - first DC cassette recorder

DSCN5145 de sus.JPG ++  1983. f.   ITC Omega - Fidelipac cartridge recorderThumbnails+ 1981.i.  Fisher PH-M77++  1983. f.   ITC Omega - Fidelipac cartridge recorderThumbnails+ 1981.i.  Fisher PH-M77++  1983. f.   ITC Omega - Fidelipac cartridge recorderThumbnails+ 1981.i.  Fisher PH-M77++  1983. f.   ITC Omega - Fidelipac cartridge recorderThumbnails+ 1981.i.  Fisher PH-M77

- primul casetofon clasic (a se deosebi de predecesorul sau, mini-reportofonul EN-3 - vezi alaturi) al celui mai mare producător german; el a utilizat caseta DC International, puţin mai mare decât compact-cassette (tip Philips); functional, fara reparatii; cu schema si microfon original, tip GDM312.

- first (DC = Doppel Cassette) cassette-recorder of the greatest german producer (do not associate w. its predecessor- the pocket recorder type EN-3, see att.); it uses Grundig' invention -the DC International cassette, slightly larger than a compact-cassette (Philips) (here enclosed); made in W.Germany; plays ok, without repairs; w. electronic diagram, oper. manual and original microphone type GDM312.

Grundig, RF. Germania
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