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+ 1976.h. Philips N2520

N 2520-pz1.jpg ++ 1970.k.  Grundig CN 222 - first deck & HIFI (?) of this producerThumbnails++  1976.c.  Technics RS-630USD++ 1970.k.  Grundig CN 222 - first deck & HIFI (?) of this producerThumbnails++  1976.c.  Technics RS-630USD++ 1970.k.  Grundig CN 222 - first deck & HIFI (?) of this producerThumbnails++  1976.c.  Technics RS-630USD++ 1970.k.  Grundig CN 222 - first deck & HIFI (?) of this producerThumbnails++  1976.c.  Technics RS-630USD++ 1970.k.  Grundig CN 222 - first deck & HIFI (?) of this producerThumbnails++  1976.c.  Technics RS-630USD++ 1970.k.  Grundig CN 222 - first deck & HIFI (?) of this producerThumbnails++  1976.c.  Technics RS-630USD

onstructie robusta; ambreiaj magnetic; claviatura acţionează cu ajutorul unui electromagnet; fata de parintele sau N2510, are in plus inca un filtru de sunet - tip Dolby, pe langa DNL-ul mai vechi si o schema revizuita.
functional; cu schema.

HIFI deck cassette recorder, based on N2510, having added a Dolby noise limiter; tape selector, linear controls.
works ok; w. electronic diagram.

Philips , Holland
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