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+ 2003.a. TC-TX1

Sony TC-TX1.JPG ++ 1984.i. Sanyo RD XM-1Thumbnails+  1982.b.  Clarke & Smith CS1++ 1984.i. Sanyo RD XM-1Thumbnails+  1982.b.  Clarke & Smith CS1++ 1984.i. Sanyo RD XM-1Thumbnails+  1982.b.  Clarke & Smith CS1++ 1984.i. Sanyo RD XM-1Thumbnails+  1982.b.  Clarke & Smith CS1

- exemplu de deck compact (mici dimensiuni, masca fiind aprox. cat o caseta), avand comenzile chiar pe capacul casetei , si care nu functioneaza independent, ci este alimentat din/prin celalalt component al sistemului - CD/tuner, tip HCD-T1 ;
caracteristici HIFI, cas autoreverse cu cap rotativ, 2 motoare, comenzi tip ''touch'' ; tuner FM digital ; CD montat impreuna cu tunerul; boxe din PAL.
functional (tot sistemul).

- sample of compact deck having all keys onto the cassette cover ; HIFI features ; digital FM tuner with CD mounted in the same box ; wood boxed speakers.
works ok.

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