- cel mai mare - ca dimensiuni si implicit, ca putere audio - dublu-casetofon cu radio portabil facut in serie;
cateva date tehnice de catalog: putere audio: 4 x 7 + 2 x 2W (muzical) ; redare continua a 2 parti de caseta ('' continuous play '') ; gama de frecvente redate: max. 30 - 18.000 Hz , fct. de tipul de banda (aici, dar nu la toate caracteristicile, se incadreaza in normele HIFI); inregistrare manuala sau automata; sistem APLD (Auto Program Location Device) pt localizarea melodiilor inregistrate ; radio cu 4 game, FM stereo si sintetizare tip PLL (Phase Locked Loop) a semnalului ; dimensiuni: 79 x 38 x 17 cm ; greutate 12,5 kg ! alimentare : 10 x 1,5V R20 ;
- here it is a true BOEING 777 of the radiorecorders !! = greatest portable double-cassette radiorecorder ever made by series production ;
few technical features from official catalog: continuous play ; manual and automatic recording; APLD (auto program location device) system for recorded songs'location ; PLL (phase loked loop) synthesizer for radio ; 4-wave range radio ; frequency range: max. 30 - 18.000 Hz, depend of tape's type = according HIFI rules ; musical sound power: 4 x 7 + 2 x 2 W; dims: 79 x 38 x 17 cm ; weight 12,5 kg ! powered by 220V or 10 x 1,5V R20;
works ok.
- Author
- Sharp Electronics (Japan)
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