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Cassette recorder museum

Home / Period '71 - '75 - 3 in 1 attraction /

+ 1971.d. radio in caseta/cartridge tuner KT-5

DSCN5024 3D.JPG +++  1971.c. Uher CR-124 - primul HIFI autoreverse portabil - first portable HIFI & autoreverseThumbnails+++ 1971.e. Pioneer M-7S Hipac+++  1971.c. Uher CR-124 - primul HIFI autoreverse portabil - first portable HIFI & autoreverseThumbnails+++ 1971.e. Pioneer M-7S Hipac+++  1971.c. Uher CR-124 - primul HIFI autoreverse portabil - first portable HIFI & autoreverseThumbnails+++ 1971.e. Pioneer M-7S Hipac+++  1971.c. Uher CR-124 - primul HIFI autoreverse portabil - first portable HIFI & autoreverseThumbnails+++ 1971.e. Pioneer M-7S Hipac

- radio montat inr-o caseta tip RCA 8-piste; folosit in special in zona SUA; functional.
- AM radio mounted into an 8-track cartridge; made especially for the US area; works ok.

japan model
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