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+++ 1994.c. Tascam DA-38 - sample of DTRS profi deck

Tascam DA-38.JPG +++   1968. d.  Sony TC-125   world's first deck ''compact-cassette'' recorder Thumbnails++  1991.b.  Sony DTC-690+++   1968. d.  Sony TC-125   world's first deck ''compact-cassette'' recorder Thumbnails++  1991.b.  Sony DTC-690+++   1968. d.  Sony TC-125   world's first deck ''compact-cassette'' recorder Thumbnails++  1991.b.  Sony DTC-690+++   1968. d.  Sony TC-125   world's first deck ''compact-cassette'' recorder Thumbnails++  1991.b.  Sony DTC-690

– primul deck 8-track digital profesional în format DTRS al firmei Teac; performante inalte; functional.
- first professional DTRS 8-track format of the TEAC Japanese producer; high performances; working shape.

Teac (Japan)
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