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+++ 1971.c. Uher CR-124 - primul HIFI autoreverse portabil - first portable HIFI & autoreverse

Uher CR-124 - primul si cel mai mic HIFI portabil din lume.JPG +  1972.g.  National Panasonic  RS-264SThumbnails1979.h.  ITT Schaub-Lorenz RCX 75 Professional+  1972.g.  National Panasonic  RS-264SThumbnails1979.h.  ITT Schaub-Lorenz RCX 75 Professional+  1972.g.  National Panasonic  RS-264SThumbnails1979.h.  ITT Schaub-Lorenz RCX 75 Professional+  1972.g.  National Panasonic  RS-264SThumbnails1979.h.  ITT Schaub-Lorenz RCX 75 Professional

- piesa istorica: Uher CR-124 – primul şi cel mai mic casetofon HIFI portabil din lume; primul casetofon al firmei ; primul auto-reverse portabil din lume; a inaugurat sistemul auto/reverse cu 2 volanturi, utilizand celule fotoelectrice pentru inversarea sensului de miscare al benzii; functional; cu manual de reparatie.
- historical piece: first and smallest portable HIFI cass-recorder in the world; first cassette-recorder of this producer; first portable auto-reverse in the world; it inaugurated the 4-tracks head & double capstan auto-reverse system in the world, using photoelectrical sensors for reverse the moving of the tape direction;
works ok; w. service manual.

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