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Cassette recorder museum

Home / Period '86 - '90 - popular, but also professional /

++ 1988.i. Sharp WQ-T238 - sample of twice mechanism

Sharp WQ-T238.JPG ++  1988.h. Toshiba KT-RS1 Thumbnails+++ 1988.k. Pocket Rockers - smallest portable endless cassette player++  1988.h. Toshiba KT-RS1 Thumbnails+++ 1988.k. Pocket Rockers - smallest portable endless cassette player++  1988.h. Toshiba KT-RS1 Thumbnails+++ 1988.k. Pocket Rockers - smallest portable endless cassette player++  1988.h. Toshiba KT-RS1 Thumbnails+++ 1988.k. Pocket Rockers - smallest portable endless cassette player

- radio-dublucasetofon avand o mecanica deosebita ("mecanism dublat" = ax comun pt. 2 cabestane ), cu casetele montate parale, nu alaturat ca la majoritatea modelelor cu dubla caseta; radio cu 4 lungimi de unda;functional.
- radio-doublecassette having new mechanics with 2 parallel cassettes, surnamed ''twice mechanism" ; 4 wave radio; nice sound; works ok.

Sharp, Japan.
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