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++ 1966.h. Concord F-100 = National RQ-3001 made for USA

Concord F-100 = National RQ-3001.JPG ++  1988.i.  Sharp WQ-T238 - sample of twice mechanismThumbnails+++  1968.j. Crown CSC-9350  world's 1st stereo portable radiorecorder++  1988.i.  Sharp WQ-T238 - sample of twice mechanismThumbnails+++  1968.j. Crown CSC-9350  world's 1st stereo portable radiorecorder++  1988.i.  Sharp WQ-T238 - sample of twice mechanismThumbnails+++  1968.j. Crown CSC-9350  world's 1st stereo portable radiorecorder++  1988.i.  Sharp WQ-T238 - sample of twice mechanismThumbnails+++  1968.j. Crown CSC-9350  world's 1st stereo portable radiorecorder

– aparat identic cu National RQ-3001 (vezi anterior), realizat de Matsushita Electric pentru piaţa americană (amandoua prezentate in foto pt. comparatie; Concord e in dr.);
- identical portable recorder with National RQ-3001 (see before) made by Matsushita for american market (both in photo, for comparison; Concord is the right one ).

Matsushita - Japan
Rating score
2.58 (1 rate)