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++ 1991.b. Sony DTC-690

1991.b.Sony DTC-690.jpg +++  1971.c. Uher CR-124 - primul HIFI autoreverse portabil - first portable HIFI & autoreverseThumbnails++  1993.a. Philips DCC134+++  1971.c. Uher CR-124 - primul HIFI autoreverse portabil - first portable HIFI & autoreverseThumbnails++  1993.a. Philips DCC134+++  1971.c. Uher CR-124 - primul HIFI autoreverse portabil - first portable HIFI & autoreverseThumbnails++  1993.a. Philips DCC134+++  1971.c. Uher CR-124 - primul HIFI autoreverse portabil - first portable HIFI & autoreverseThumbnails++  1993.a. Philips DCC134+++  1971.c. Uher CR-124 - primul HIFI autoreverse portabil - first portable HIFI & autoreverseThumbnails++  1993.a. Philips DCC134+++  1971.c. Uher CR-124 - primul HIFI autoreverse portabil - first portable HIFI & autoreverseThumbnails++  1993.a. Philips DCC134

- exemplu de deck (digital) in format DAT (Digital Audio Tape), cu telecomandă; viteza benzii- 2,3 cm/sec; functional.
- a sample of a DAT (Digital Audio tape) deck, with remote control; tape's speed: 2,3 cm/sec; works ok.