Gallery of

Cassette recorder museum

1993.a.Philips DCC134.JPG ++  1992.f. Akai GX-75 MK IIThumbnails+ 1993.b. Philips DCC 300++  1992.f. Akai GX-75 MK IIThumbnails+ 1993.b. Philips DCC 300++  1992.f. Akai GX-75 MK IIThumbnails+ 1993.b. Philips DCC 300++  1992.f. Akai GX-75 MK IIThumbnails+ 1993.b. Philips DCC 300++  1992.f. Akai GX-75 MK IIThumbnails+ 1993.b. Philips DCC 300++  1992.f. Akai GX-75 MK IIThumbnails+ 1993.b. Philips DCC 300

- al 2-lea casetofon digital DCC portabil; are telecomanda la căşti; redă compact casete şi casete digitale DCC;
- second DCC digital portable cassette player; with remote ctrl. on headphones ; plays both DCC & with compact cassettes ;

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