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Cassette recorder museum

Home / Period '86 - '90 - popular, but also professional /

++ 1986.f. Philips WD800 The Roller

1986.f.Philips WD800 The Roller.jpg +  ca. 1986.e. Harman Kardon CD101Thumbnails+  1987.a. Philips D8078+  ca. 1986.e. Harman Kardon CD101Thumbnails+  1987.a. Philips D8078+  ca. 1986.e. Harman Kardon CD101Thumbnails+  1987.a. Philips D8078+  ca. 1986.e. Harman Kardon CD101Thumbnails+  1987.a. Philips D8078+  ca. 1986.e. Harman Kardon CD101Thumbnails+  1987.a. Philips D8078+  ca. 1986.e. Harman Kardon CD101Thumbnails+  1987.a. Philips D8078

- "the Roller"este reprezentantul seriei "Moving Sound" în care Philips a realizat aparate portabile cu design inspirat din alte articole casnice comune, cu care casetofonul era din ce în ce mai mult asimilat; in context, v. si "My first Sony"; functional.

- "the Roller"(awarded design) was the main representative component of Philips's serie ''Moving Sound'' which tried to present portable audio items with attractive design inspired from other domestic goods, which makes the cassette-recorder very popular; contextual is also "MY first Sony" ; works ok.