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++ 1987.e. Sony WM-D6C

ca1990.e.Sony WM-D6C.jpg +++  1986.c. Dictaphone 4250 ExecThumbnails++  1990(?).f. Marantz PMD222 - portable profi+++  1986.c. Dictaphone 4250 ExecThumbnails++  1990(?).f. Marantz PMD222 - portable profi+++  1986.c. Dictaphone 4250 ExecThumbnails++  1990(?).f. Marantz PMD222 - portable profi+++  1986.c. Dictaphone 4250 ExecThumbnails++  1990(?).f. Marantz PMD222 - portable profi+++  1986.c. Dictaphone 4250 ExecThumbnails++  1990(?).f. Marantz PMD222 - portable profi+++  1986.c. Dictaphone 4250 ExecThumbnails++  1990(?).f. Marantz PMD222 - portable profi

- exemplu de reportofon semi-profesional; functional; cu manuale de operare si reparatie.
- sample of semi-professional cassette voice recorder; works ok; w. service and operating manuals.