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++ 1984.f. Sony MTL-10

1984.f.Sony MTL-10.jpg +++  1982.a. Philips CD100 = first CD in the worldThumbnails1976.b. Philips N2511+++  1982.a. Philips CD100 = first CD in the worldThumbnails1976.b. Philips N2511+++  1982.a. Philips CD100 = first CD in the worldThumbnails1976.b. Philips N2511+++  1982.a. Philips CD100 = first CD in the worldThumbnails1976.b. Philips N2511+++  1982.a. Philips CD100 = first CD in the worldThumbnails1976.b. Philips N2511+++  1982.a. Philips CD100 = first CD in the worldThumbnails1976.b. Philips N2511

- cas deck ce poate reproduce continuu 10 jumatati de casete, gratie unei magazii/schimbator aflat in constructia aparatului; exemplu de aparat cu comenzi electromecanice ce permit amplasarea tastelor cas-ului alaturi de caseta , NU deasupra sau sub ea , ca in majoritatea cazurilor (vezi aici si Philips D8634).
defect - porneste , dar nu succeda casetele.

- deck with 10-cassette changer ; it looks like a drawer charged with cassettes which is inserted into the player and first half of all cassettes is played successively ; sample of item having electro-mechanical commands, which permits to locate the keys beside the cassette, not under or above it, as is in majority of cases (see also Philips D8634 here attached);
powers up , but not working as is conceived..