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+++ 1979.a. Sony TPS-L2 + first world's ''walkman''

1979.g.Sony TPS-L2.jpg  1996.b. Sony M-630VThumbnails 1996.b. Sony M-630VThumbnails 1996.b. Sony M-630VThumbnails 1996.b. Sony M-630VThumbnails 1996.b. Sony M-630VThumbnails 1996.b. Sony M-630VThumbnails

- primul casetofon portabil cu denumirea brevetata de ''walkman'' cu scop principal de reportofon = inregistrarea vocii; primul aparat de acest format si cu aceasta destinatie a fost Sony TC-50 din 1968 (vezi alaturi), dar prin acesta s-a brevetat numele comercial mentionat; calitate superioara a sunetului, reprodus numai in casti (TC-50 avea difuzor propriu); functional; cu manual de reparatie.

- first in the world portable cassette-recorder having the trade mark ''walkman'' ; first item in this format was Sony TC-50 from 1968, but here we have a new trade mark and superior quality of sound, heard only by stereo earphones; works ok; w. service manual.