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Cassette recorder museum

Home / Period '71 - '75 - 3 in 1 attraction /

+ 1971.a. Philips N2000

1971.a. Philips N2000.jpg Thumbnails1971.b.  Philips 22RR500 (50)Thumbnails1971.b.  Philips 22RR500 (50)Thumbnails1971.b.  Philips 22RR500 (50)Thumbnails1971.b.  Philips 22RR500 (50)Thumbnails1971.b.  Philips 22RR500 (50)Thumbnails1971.b.  Philips 22RR500 (50)

- primul casetofon player (numai pt. redare) portabil făcut de această firmă ; aici este varianta a II-a (cu muchiile carcasei puţin rotunjite); actionare cu o singura mana; functional.
- first portable cassette player of this producer; this is the second variant, having rounded case's edges; one hand operated; works ok.