Home / Period '71 - '75 - 3 in 1 attraction /
+++ 1972.d. Philips 22RR800 = world's 1st portable radio-recorder using sound filter; 1st european portable stereo r-r

- primul radio-cas portabil din lume avand filtru de sunet (Philips DNL); primul radio-cas stereo portabil european; pt transport, difuzoarele se pot ataşa în spatele casetofonului, formând astfel o mică ''valiză''; functional; cu manuale de reparatie si folosire.
- world's 1st portable radiorecorder including a sound filter (Philips' DNL) ; first european stereo portable radio-cassette recorder; very nice sound for a portable item; speakers can be attached onto the radio's back cover;
works ok; w. oper. & service manuals.
- Author
- Philips
- Created on
- Sunday 31 December 1899
- Rating score
- no rate