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Cassette recorder museum

Home / Period '71 - '75 - 3 in 1 attraction /

+ 1973.e. Dictaphone 10

1973.k. Dictaphone 10.jpg ++  1973.d. Philips N 2510 = their first HIFIThumbnails+ 1973.f.  Uher CR210++  1973.d. Philips N 2510 = their first HIFIThumbnails+ 1973.f.  Uher CR210++  1973.d. Philips N 2510 = their first HIFIThumbnails+ 1973.f.  Uher CR210++  1973.d. Philips N 2510 = their first HIFIThumbnails+ 1973.f.  Uher CR210++  1973.d. Philips N 2510 = their first HIFIThumbnails+ 1973.f.  Uher CR210++  1973.d. Philips N 2510 = their first HIFIThumbnails+ 1973.f.  Uher CR210

- reportofon cu mini-casetă (tip Philips);fabricat în Elveţia; functional.
- voice recorder with mini-cassette, made in Switzerland; works ok.

Dictaphone - USA
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