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+ 1973.f. Uher CR210

1973.m. Uher CR210.jpg + 1973.e.   Dictaphone 10Thumbnails++  1975(?).b.  Philips LGC 2400+ 1973.e.   Dictaphone 10Thumbnails++  1975(?).b.  Philips LGC 2400+ 1973.e.   Dictaphone 10Thumbnails++  1975(?).b.  Philips LGC 2400+ 1973.e.   Dictaphone 10Thumbnails++  1975(?).b.  Philips LGC 2400+ 1973.e.   Dictaphone 10Thumbnails++  1975(?).b.  Philips LGC 2400+ 1973.e.   Dictaphone 10Thumbnails++  1975(?).b.  Philips LGC 2400

– unul din primele cas-uri portabile hifi autoreverse; pt reporteri; functional.
- one of first portable hifi autoreverse cass-recorder; for reporters; works ok.

Uher - W. Germany
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