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+++ 1970 r. Harman Kardon CAD-5 = world's 1st cassette recorder using a sound filter

DSCN8685.JPG Thumbnails+++ 1950.b. Tefifon B51 = world's 1st tape deck Thumbnails+++ 1950.b. Tefifon B51 = world's 1st tape deck Thumbnails+++ 1950.b. Tefifon B51 = world's 1st tape deck Thumbnails+++ 1950.b. Tefifon B51 = world's 1st tape deck

este primul aparat cu caseta audio (indiferent de format) ce foloseste un filtru de sunet; filtrul este de tip Dolby B, si va fi utilizat ulterior de toti producatorii importanti, desi in 1972 apare si filtrul DNL realizat de Philips; de asemenea, este printre primele 3 aparate cu caseta ce au folosit potentiometre liniare (v. si Philips N2503, tot 1970); mecanica simpla, sigura, eficienta, constructie usor de reparat.

it is the first cassette (regardless of the format) recorder that uses a sound filter; the filter is of Dolby B type, and will be used later by all important producers, although in 1972 the DNL filter made by Philips also appears; it is also among the first 3 cassette devices that used linear potentiometers (see also Philips N2503, also 1970); simple mechanics, safe, efficient, easy to repair construction.