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++ 1967.w. Mercury PM-600 - first US portable radiorecorder using compact-cassette(TM)

IMG_8673.jpg +++ 1966.b.  Philips EL3310 - world 1st cass. having manual and auto recording levelThumbnails++  1967.v.  Aiwa TP-1104+++ 1966.b.  Philips EL3310 - world 1st cass. having manual and auto recording levelThumbnails++  1967.v.  Aiwa TP-1104+++ 1966.b.  Philips EL3310 - world 1st cass. having manual and auto recording levelThumbnails++  1967.v.  Aiwa TP-1104+++ 1966.b.  Philips EL3310 - world 1st cass. having manual and auto recording levelThumbnails++  1967.v.  Aiwa TP-1104+++ 1966.b.  Philips EL3310 - world 1st cass. having manual and auto recording levelThumbnails++  1967.v.  Aiwa TP-1104

Pentru a promova rapid caseta compact (TM) pe piata americana, Philips a anexat pt. o perioada firma americana Mercury, sub brandul careia a realizat/comercializat cateva modele de aparate cu noul format de caseta , unele prezentate si alaturat. Aparatul are mecanica de Philips, radio AM si FM, e tranzistorizat, produs de PAX Ltd. in Japan. Alaturi de Philips RL361 si Concord F-103 este printre primele cu design ce prefigureaza infatisarea viitoarelor radio-casetofoane portabile clasice = cu radioul alaturat in acelasi plan , casetofonului (nu suprapus, cum a fost Philips/Norelco RL962 -v alaturat)  

In order to promote the compact cassette (TM) on the American market, Philips bought for a while the American company Mercury Records, under whose brand it made several models of gramophones and cassette players, some of which are presented here. This device has Philips mechanics, AM and FM radio, is transistorized, made by PAX Ltd. in Japan. Beside Philips RL361 and Concord F-103, Its design foreshadows the appearance of future classic portable radio-cassette recorders, having the radio next to it in the same plane, the cassette player (not superimposed, as was the Philips/Norelco RL962 - see attch. photo 1966)

Pax Co. Ltd, USA
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