+++ 1956.b. Nora T5 - first endless cassette with magnetic tape, also for pre-recorded music

Nora T5 este prima caseta fara sfarsit cu banda magnetica, si prima cu muzica pre-inregistrata (idee germana - v alaturat Tefi Schallband , 1951, dar banda era citita cu ac de picup ; caseta Mohawk Repeater - v alaturat - nu era pentru muzica); are cea mai lata banda magnetica din domeniul audio (38 mm); era folosita de a doua combina muzicala in varianta pickup + casetofon - Nora Selectophon T5 (prima a fost Loewe Optaphon 51WAP -v. alaturat) ; era fabricata in 3 variante de lungimi de banda , fiecare fiind antrenata optional cu 3 viteze : 9/11,5/20 cm/s, avand deci in total 9 durate de auditie, intre 70 - 360 min, o realizare REMARCABILA pt anul 1956. Dimensiuni ext: 176 x 132 x 54 mm. Pe cutia de carton a ei am gasit pentru a 2-a oara scris cuvantul "kassette". Pentru comparatie cu alte peste 50 tipuri de casete, vezi tabelul din sectiunea "despre casetofon". Foarte rara.
it is the first endless cassette with magnetic tape, also 1st for pre-recorded music (German idea - next to Tefi Schallband, 1951, but the tape was read with a pick-up needle ; also, the Mohawk Repeater - here attch - cartridge was just for adverts); it is also the widest magnetic tape in the audio field (38 mm); it was used by the 2nd music 2 in1 device ( pickup + cassette player ) - Nora Selectophon T5 (first was Loewe Optaphon -see attch.); it was manufactured in 3 versions of tape lengths, each being optionally driven with 3 speeds: 9/11.5/20 cm/s, thus having a total of 9 audition durations, between 70 - 360 min, a REMARKABLE achievement for the year 1956. External dimensions: 176 x 132 x 54 mm.
On her cardboard box I found the word "kassette" written for the 2nd time .
For to compare w. other more than 50 cassettes types, see table on "about cassette-recorder" section. Very rare to find.
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- Nora AG, Germany
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