+++ 1950.b. Tefifon B51 = world's 1st tape deck

Dupa cercetarile mele, acesta este primul "casetofon" care a utilizat o caseta cu banda fara sfarsit si totodata primul player deck din lume.
In afisul sau din februarie 1951 am intalnit pentru prima data cuvantul "kassette". Foloseste casetele Tefi Schallband, nemagnetice, prezentate alaturat. Pentru auditie era nevoie de un amplificator separat. In 1953 s-a realizat varianta cu caseta-adaptor (PSK "S") pt ascultarea discurilor mici, devenind astfel al 2 lea aparat combinat casetofon-pickup (dupa Loewe Optaphon 51 WAP, v alaturat)
According to my research, this is the first "cassette player" that used an (endless) tape and also the first player deck in the world.
In its poster from February 1951, I encountered the word "kassette" for the first time. It uses the Tefi Schallband cassettes, non-magnetic, presented next. A separate amplifier was needed for the audition. In 1953 was issued the variant using a cassette-adaptor (PSK-S) for listening small records, becoming the 2nd combined device cassette player - record player (after Loewe Optaphon 51 WAP - see attached)
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