
E primul casetofon din lume cu acces aleatoriu la melodii (maxim 8); "computerul" sesiseaza spatiile libere dintre melodii (unde curentul de premagnetizare este mult mai slab) si astfel este accesata melodia dorita, fara ascultarea obligatorie a celor precedente (sistem APLD, specific SHARP = Auto Programm Locate Device, montat si pe modelele RT-3535, 3838). Caracterstici HIFI.
First cassette-recorder using computer for random access to the desired recorded songs (APLD system, made by SHARP = Auto Programm Locate Device, used also on models RT-3535, 3838). The principle is to find the unrecorded spaces on the tape, where pre-magnetization current is low. Max. 8 songs random access. HIFI features.
- Created on
- Wednesday 13 April 2022
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