Primul cas (player) european pentru muzica ambientala (pt sali de asteptare, magazine, spitale, etc); (ulterior, Philips a facut modelul LGC2400, cu caseta tip Fidelipac – vezi alaturat); foloseste o caseta de 8 ore, de dimensiuni mari (peste VHS), cu banda de magnetofon; ca si la modelele americane cu caseta RCA Sound Tape Cartridge (1958, RCA Victor CP-1 - vezi alaturat) - datorita greutatii benzii - antrenarea este facilitata de 2 pini montati pe cabestane (nu de “ambreiaj”, ca la un cas obisnuit), rola presoare fiind pozitionata in centrul casetei; fara derulare; 2 motoare puternice (pt volant = 14 cm diametru si pt tractiune); amplificare tranzistorizata (AD 149, 150), cu iesiri in tensiuni multiple (10-70 V , pt cuplarea mai multor difuzoare). Functional. .
First European cassette player for functional music . This uses a big 8-hour cassette, (greater than VHS), with tape’ size as reel-to-reel recorder; due to the weight of the tape - the traction is facilitated by 2 pins mounted on capstans (not by "clutch", as in an ordinary cassette recorder), the pinch roll being positioned in the center of the cassette; without scrolling; 2 powerful engines (for steering wheel = 14 cm in diameter and for traction); transistorized amplification (AD 149, 150), with outputs in multiple voltages (10-70 V, for coupling several speakers). Hard to find. Working shape.
- Created on
- Tuesday 19 July 2022
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