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++ 1962(?).k. Reditune TP60

DSCN9127.JPG +++ 1966.b.  Philips EL3310 - world 1st cass. having manual and auto recording levelThumbnails+++  1963.a. Philips EL3300 - world's first "compact-cassette"recorder - the classic starting point of "cassette" era+++ 1966.b.  Philips EL3310 - world 1st cass. having manual and auto recording levelThumbnails+++  1963.a. Philips EL3300 - world's first "compact-cassette"recorder - the classic starting point of "cassette" era+++ 1966.b.  Philips EL3310 - world 1st cass. having manual and auto recording levelThumbnails+++  1963.a. Philips EL3300 - world's first "compact-cassette"recorder - the classic starting point of "cassette" era+++ 1966.b.  Philips EL3310 - world 1st cass. having manual and auto recording levelThumbnails+++  1963.a. Philips EL3300 - world's first "compact-cassette"recorder - the classic starting point of "cassette" era

cel mai avansat/modern casetofon - numai player (redare ), made in England - ce folosea caseta Reditune (TM) prezentata alaturat. Folosit pt redare anunturi, muzica ambientala, mecanica simpla inspirata (dar nu identica) din aparatele ce foloseau caseta americana 8-track/stereo 8 (cu rola presoare in caseta - vezi alaturat)

the most modern stereo cartridge player (made in UK) using the Reditune cart (see attached); inspired , but not similar, from american device which used the 8-track/stereo 8 cartridge (w. pinch roll into the cartridge - see attached).

Redifussion Ltd.
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