dr. Karl Daniel - inventator si promotorul casetei fara sfarsit/endless cassette inventor & promoter

Dr Karl Daniel (1905 – 1977 ) inginer si om de afaceri german, cu studii de mecanica si electrotehnica. In cadrul firmei sale „Tefi-Apparatenbau dr. Daniel KG“ in 1936 a inventat si prezentat conceptul de banda fara sfarsit, sub forma unei bucle (inchise) din material plastic flexibil, inregistrata/gravata ca un disc de gramofon, deci ascultata cu o doza cu ac. Ea a fost imbunatatita treptat si a ajuns la forma casetei „Tefi Schallband“ (vezi alaturat) in anul 1950, redata prima data cu aparatul Tefifon B51. Ideea casetei fara sfarsit a fost dezvoltata puternic in SUA, mai intai sub forma casetei Fidelipac (inventator George Eash, 1954), si apoi sub forma casetei „8-track“ (sau „stereo8“ – inventator William Lear/Robert Kraus, 1964) –prezentate alaturat.
MULTUMIM dr. Karl Daniel pentru ca ne-a facut viata mai frumoasa !
Dr. Karl Daniel (1905 - 1977) German engineer and businessman, with mechanical and electrotechnical studies. In his company "Tefi-Apparatenbau dr. Daniel KG" in 1936 he invented and presented the concept of endless tape, in the form of a (closed) loop of flexible plastic tape, recorded/graven as a gramophone disc, so listened to with a cartridge with needle. Initially was reel and it was gradually improved and came to the form of the "Tefi Schallband" cassette (see attached) in 1950, first played with the Tefifon B51 device. The idea of endless tape was developed strongly in the US, first as the Fidelipac tape cartridge (inventor George Eash, 1954), and then as the "8-track" tape (or "stereo8" tape - inventor William Lear / Robert Kraus, 1964) – attached presented.
THANK YOU to eng. dr. Karl Daniel because he made our lives more beautiful!
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- Saturday 8 February 2020
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